26-year-old Ironwood man gets 1 year of jail after getting caught in online underage sex sting

RHINELANDER - A 26-year-old Ironwood man will spend the next year in jail, as a condition of his five years of probation, for a felony of child enticement after getting sentenced Thursday in Oneida County court.

Benjamin Lahti met a 15-year-old girl online in 2013 after posting a craigslist advertisement asking for sex. It was an undercover police officer posing as a 15-year old girl as part of a statewide police operation.

Lahti was arrested in March 2013 after going to Minocqua under the impression he was meeting the 15-year-old girl. Prosecutors Thursday said the officer repeatedly told Lahti that she was 15 years old during online chats.

Full story: WJFW

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