Bird flu sends egg prices soaring in northcentral Wisconsin

MARATHON CITY - Northcentral Wisconsin grocery stores keep charging more and more for eggs. The bird flu has killed or forced euthanasia of nearly 50 million American birds this year, mostly in the Midwest.

That has led to a supply shortage of eggs. Higher prices from wholesalers have forced grocery stores to raise their prices, sometimes drastically. For example, George's Marathon Foods in Marathon City is charging well above $3 per dozen eggs. That could climb to $4.50 later this year.

"The price will come back down eventually. I don't know how long it will take, but it will," said store owner George Hiles. "But people like to talk about price increases. They like to talk about the weather, and the Packers, and price increases for eggs or gasoline or any other commodity."

Full story: WJFW

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