TOMAHAWK - People in Tomahawk will see more changes to their wastewater treatment plant after a water utility rate increase. The renovations first started in 2013 after replacing the roof of their digester after it failed to contain methane gas. The replacement cost the city more than $600,000 and drained funds. That's why city managers recently applied for, and received, a State Trust Fund Loan.
"So this $900,000 trust fund loan is actually there to be some bridge funding between the funding that we've done," said Tomahawk Public Works Director Mike Tolvstad. "It will reimburse those accounts, and it will carry us over into our Clean Water Fund and we'll start with that payment in 2016."
The loan will help city employees make more improvements this year. The city plans to replace several pieces of equipment in the sewer system and the wastewater treatment plant. It will come at an additional cost for people in Tomahawk.
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